Shipping policy

We will always try to get your order to you in the most efficient and sustainable way possible. However, on occasions, there is a possibility that your order may come in MORE THAN ONE SHIPMENT due to stock availability and your items having to be picked from different places.

This means that your items WON'T NECESSARILY BE SHIPPED AT THE SAME TIME and you may receive an email advising that 'Some items in your order are on the way'. If this happens please don't worry, the remainder of the items in your order will arrive shortly afterwards.

This is completely normal and there is no need to contact our support team on this occasion. However, if you experience significant delays we will, of course, be there to help.

You can also keep an eye on the status of your orders by tracking orders. 

If your order has been a split shipment, you will see the status of your order as 'PARTIALLY FULFILLED'.

Estimated delivery time*
Local (Singapore): 1 to 3 working days.
Worldwide: 4 to 12 working days.

*The estimated delivery time should serve only as a reference. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation or other global events, you may experience some delays in receiving your order as deliveries may take longer than usual depending on your location. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.